Shreeji Eye clinic & Palak’s Glaucoma Care Centre proudly announces acquisition of latest Zeiss Forum software (Glaucoma Work Station V 3): first in Western India
ZEISS Forum Software (Glaucoma Work Station) combines CIRRUS HD-OCT, Humphrey Field Analyzer (HFA) visual field test data and optic disc photograph. This configuration gives Glaucoma Specialist access to visual fields, OCT scans, optic disc images and structure-function correlation results. This single console provides the data analysis Glaucoma Specialist need to guide patient’s change and progression in the disease.
It Simplify the complex Integrate individual data sets into a single visualization to help guide glaucoma patient’s assessments by spotlighting changes in progression that could impact disease management.
It helps Glaucoma Specialist in
- Monitor patient's treatment: Trend Analysis for both structure and function shows progression over time.
- Progression status guidance: GPA™ gives combine structure and function correlation for diagnosis as well as for progression.
